陈振 博士 助理研究员
2001.09~2005.07 清华大学化学工程系,化学工程与工艺专业,工学学士
2005.08~2008.07 清华大学化学工程系,应用化学研究所,工学硕士(与东京工业大学联合培养双硕士学位)
2008.08~2012.07 汉堡工业大学,生物过程与生物系统工程研究所,博士(获优秀博士论文,ausgezeichnet)
2012.07~ 2013.08 汉堡工业大学,生物过程与生物系统工程研究所,博士后
2013.08至今 清华大学化工系, 助理研究员
2011年 获得国家优秀自费留学生奖学金
2012年 汉堡工业大学优秀博士论文
1.)蛋白质的理性设计。基于蛋白质结构,蛋白质的动力学和蛋白质序列进化信息研究蛋白质的构效关系,以此为基础设计蛋白质的新功能,如催化新的化学反应及构建 非天然的别构效应。相关的结果成功运用到氨基酸的生产中,,开发了具有完全自主知识产权的高产赖氨酸,色氨酸等的生产菌种。
4.)C3-C6 二元醇(1,3-丙二醇,2,3-丁二醇,1,5-戊二醇,1,6-已二醇)生产菌株的构建与优化。
Zhen Chen, Protein Design for Industrial Strain Development: the Case of Amino Acid Production, Shaker Verlag GmbH, 2012, ISBN: 978-3844015546
1.Chen Z, Rappert S, Zeng AP. 2013. Rational Design of Allosteric Regulation of Homoserine Dehydrogenase by a Non-Natural Inhibitor L-Lysine. ACS Synth. Biol. DOI: 10.1021/sb400133g
2. Chen Z, Bommareddy R, Frank D, Rappert S, Zeng AP. 2013. Deregulation of Feedback Inhibition of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase for Improved Lysine Production in Corynebacterium glutamicum. Appl Environ Microbiol DOI: 10.1128/AEM.03535-13.
3. Chen Z,Jandt U, Rappert S, Zeng AP. 2013. Protein-Design für die Entwicklung von industriellen Mikroorganismen.BIOspektrum 19:99-101.
4. Chen, Z,Zeng AP. 2013. Protein design in systems metabolic engineering for industrial strain development. Biotechnol J DOI: 10.1002/biot.201200238
5. Geng F*, Chen Z*, Zheng P, Sun JB, Zeng AP. 2012. Exploring the allosteric mechanism of dihydrodipicolinate synthase by reverse engineering of the allosteric inhibitor binding sites and its application for lysine production. App Microbiol Biotechnol 97:1963-1971 (共同第一作者)
6. Chen L*, Chen Z*, Sun JB, Zeng AP. 2012. Study and reengineering of the binding sites and allosteric regulation of biosynthetic threonine deaminase by isoleucine and valine in Escherichia coli. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol DOI: 10.1007/s00253-012-4176-z (共同第一作者)
7. Chen Z, Meyer WQ, Rappert S, Sun JB, Zeng AP. 2011. Coevolutionary analysis enabled rational deregulation of allosteric enzyme inhibition in Corynebacterium glutamicum for lysine production. Appl Environ Microbiol 77:4352-4360.
8. Chen Z, Rappert S, Sun JB, Zeng AP. 2011. Integrating molecular dynamics and co-evolutionary analysis for reliable target prediction and deregulation of the allosteric inhibition of aspartokinase for amino acid production. J Biotechnol 154: 248-254.
9. Chen Z, Liu HJ, Liu DH. 2011. Metabolic pathway analysis of 1,3-propanediol production with a genetically modified Klebsiella pneumoniae by overexpressing an endogenous NADPH-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase. Biochem Eng J 54:151-157.
10. Chen Z, Wilmanns M, Zeng AP. 2010. Structural synthetic biotechnology: from molecular structure to predictable design for industrial strain development. Trends Biotechnol 28:534-542.
11. Chen Z, Liu HJ, Zhang JA, Liu DH. 2010. Elementary mode analysis for the rational design of efficient succinate conversion from glycerol by Escherichia coli. J Biomed Biotechnol 2010: 518743.
12. Chen Z, Liu HJ, Liu DH. 2009. Regulation of 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde accumulation in Klebsiella pneumoniae by overexpression of dhaT and dhaD genes. Enzyme Microb Tech 45:305-309.
13. Chen Z, Liu HJ, Zhang JA, Liu DH. 2009. Cell physiology and metabolic flux response of Klebsiella pneumoniae to aerobic conditions. Process Biochem 44:862–868.
14. 陈振,刘宏娟,刘德华. 有氧条件下Klebsiella pneumoniae发酵生产1,3-丙二醇的研究. 现代化工. 2006, 26(S2):297-300.
1. Zeng AP, Chen, Z. Enzymes aspartokinase III having a reduced L-lysine feedback inhibition, 国际专利公开号 WO/2011/107483.
2. Zeng AP, Chen Z.. Modified aspartate kinase from Corynebacterium glutamicum and its application for amino acid production. 欧洲专利公开号 EP 2374873.
3. Zeng AP, Chen Z, Rappert S. Modified phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from Corynebacterium glutamicum and uses thereof. 欧洲专利公开号 EP 2495317.
4. Zeng AP, Chen Z, Rappert S. Modified glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Corynebacterium glutamicum and uses thereof. 欧洲专利公开号 EP 2559758.