








1986 应用化学学士学位,清华大学化学系
1991 化学工程博士学位,清华大学化工系


1991-1993 博士后  中国科学院化工冶金研究所(现改名过程工程研究所)
1993-1997 副研究员  中国科学院化工冶金研究所(现改名过程工程研究所)
1994-1995 访问学者  美国普渡大学可再生资源工程实验室
1997-1999 研究员  中国科学院化工冶金研究所(现改名过程工程研究所)
1999-至今 教授、所长  清华大学化工系应化所
2010-至今 主任  清华大学中国-巴西气候变化与能源技术创新研究中心




1.   2011年,生物工程学报优秀特邀编辑奖,《生物工程学报》
2.   2010年,全国化工优秀科技工作者,中国石油和化学工业协会
3.   2010年,清华大学先进工作者,清华大学
4.   2007年,生物柴油和1,3-丙二醇耦合生产关键技术及产业化示范,第三届中国技术市场协会金桥奖,教育部科技发展中心
5.   2006年,生物法耦合生产生物柴油和1,3-丙二醇的应用基础研究,中国石油和化学工业协会科技进步一等奖
6.   2003年,学术新人奖,清华大学
7.   2002年,清华大学先进工作者,清华大学


1.        国际生物能源会议,主席,已办7届
2.   《Biofuels》编委,英国
3.   《International Journal of Industrial Biotechnology》编委,印度
4.   《生物工程学报》编委,中国
5.   《过程工程学报》编委,中国
6.   《高校化工学报》编委,中国
7.   《生物产业技术》编委,中国




1.          低高径比同心多导流筒气升式环流反应器;刘德华,徐圆圆,谢东明,陈虹树;授权号:02129483.6;授权日期:2004.10.20。
2.          电渗析法用于1,3-丙二醇发酵液的脱盐工艺;王晓琳,龚燕,唐宇,刘德华;授权号:03104871.4;授权日期:2005.3.2。
3.          一种制备生物柴油的方法;杜伟,徐圆圆,刘德华;授权号:03119600.4;授权日期:2004.12.22;PCT申请号:PCT/CN2004/000051。
4.          一种利用油脂原料合成生物柴油的方法;刘德华,杜伟,徐圆圆,陈键;授权号:03150231.8。授权日期:2005.2.13。
5.          有机介质反应体系中脂肪酶转化油脂生产生物柴油新工艺;杜伟,徐圆圆,刘德华,陈键,曾静,李俐林;授权号:200410000697.9;授权日期:2006.1.25;PCT申请号:PCT/CN2004/001372。
6.          由植物油脱臭馏出物提取维生素E和甾醇的新工艺;刘德华,杜伟,徐圆圆,孙登文;授权号:200410008678.0;授权日期:2007.8.22。
7.          微生物两段发酵法由甘油生产1,3-丙二醇和2,3丁二醇;刘德华,孙燕,程可可,刘卫斌,刘宏娟;授权号:200410037692.3;授权日期:2006.3.22。
8.          直接以短链脂肪酸酯作为溶剂抽提含油原料中油脂新工艺;刘德华,李俐林,杜伟,徐圆圆;授权号:200410038298.1;授权日期:2006.6.7。
9.          从稀水溶液中提取低级多元醇的新型反应萃取工艺;刘德华,郝健,向波涛,陈书锋;授权号:200410038300.5;授权日期:2006.3.22。
10.       从发酵液中分离提取1,3-丙二醇及其副产物的方法;刘德华,郝健,李凡峰;授权号:200410083940.8;授权日期:2007.3.14。
11.       半连续固态发酵—浸提耦合生产纤维素酶方法;周玉杰,陈书峰,张建安,刘德华;授权号:200510002222.8;授权日期:2007.2.7。
12.       电场强化的固态发酵生产纤维素酶方法;刘德华,周玉杰,刘铮,袁乃驹,张建安,赵雪冰;授权号:200510002223.2;授权日期:2007.2.7。
13.       从含醋酸甲酯废液或气中直接制取高纯醋酸甲酯的方法;陈键,刘德华,张婷,杜伟;授权号:200510002905.3;授权日期:2007.2.7。
14.       一种液相吸附制取高纯醋酸甲酯的方法;陈键,刘德华;授权号:200510011610.2;授权日期:2007.3.14。
15.       一种不同脂肪酶相结合生产生物柴油的工艺;刘德华,杜伟,李俐林,王利,李泽波;授权号:200510011623.X;授权日期:2006.11.1。
16.       利用生物柴油副产物甘油生产1,3-丙二醇的方法;刘德华,刘宏娟,林日辉,郝建;授权号:200510011867.8;授权日期:2007.7.18;PCT申请号:PCT/CN2006/001181。
17.       一种外源添加反丁烯二酸促进微生物合成1,3-丙二醇的方法;刘德华,林日辉,刘宏娟;授权号:200510011917.2;授权日期:2007.3.14。
18.       一种由粗淀粉原料生产1,3-丙二醇和2,3-丁二醇的方法;刘德华,程可可,刘宏娟,林日辉,郝健;授权号:200510011959.6;授权日期:2008.10.22;PCT申请号:PCT/CN2006/001291。
19.       一种无需外源气的气升式环流反应器;刘德华,杜伟,李俐林;授权号:200510070863.7;授权日期:2007.11.7;PCT申请号:PCT/CN2006/001006。
20.       微生物好氧发酵生产1,3-丙二醇的方法;刘德华,刘宏娟,郝健,林日辉;授权号:200510086677.2;授权日期:2009.5.27。
21.       一种对具荚膜细菌发酵液过滤预处理方法;刘德华,郝健,韦明泉,乔建援,杜风光,乔凯;授权号:200610011694.4;授权日期:2007.12.19。
22.       一种两步催化含酸油脂制备生物柴油的方法;刘德华,李俐林,李强,杜伟;授权号:200610057164.3;授权日期:2007.12.9。
23.       有机介质反应体系中微生物细胞转化油脂生产生物柴油的工艺;杜伟,刘德华,里伟;授权号:200610089644.8;授权日期:2008.7.23。
24.       微生物细胞催化脂肪酸及含酸油脂生产生物柴油的方法;杜伟,刘德华,里伟;授权号:200610089767.1;授权日期:2007.11.7。
25.       一种发酵生产1,3-丙二醇的高产工艺;刘德华,孙燕,刘宏娟,林日辉,郝健;授权号:200710063347.0;授权日期:2007.01.09。
26.       1,3-位置专一性脂肪酶转化含酸油脂生产生物柴油的工艺;杜伟,刘剑波,刘德华;授权号:200710065212.8;授权日期:2009.10.21。
27.       一种发酵法生产1,3-丙二醇的提取工艺;刘德华,杨德华,郝健,刘才君,程可可,孙燕;授权号:200710065558.8;授权日期:2009.3.18。
28.       一种利用甘油生产乳酸的方法;刘德华,孙 燕,欧先金;授权号:200810102824.4;授权日期:2012.5.16。
29.       一种利用发酵行业的副产物菌体制备微生物絮凝剂的方法;孙燕,刘德华,刘仲明;授权号:200810103128.5;授权日期:2010.4.7。
30.       石油醚介质体系中酶法制备1,3-甘油二酯工艺;杜伟,刘德华,段章群;授权号:200810105082.0;授权日期:2011.05.11。
31.       构建基因工程菌发酵联产PDO, BDO和PHP的方法;刘德华,刘宏娟,欧先金,孙燕,许贇珍,雷跃勇,刘卫斌;授权号:200810105722.8;授权日期:2011.8.17;PCT申请号:PCT/CN2009/072615。
32.       叔丁醇体系中酶法制备1,3-甘油二酯的工艺;杜伟,刘德华,段章群;授权号:200810112255.1;授权日期:2008.05.22。
33.       构建基因工程菌增强1,3-丙二醇生产菌株抗逆性的方法;刘德华,刘宏娟,陈国强,郭妮妮;授权号:200810114647.1;授权日期:2012.12.26。
34.       一种利用膜在线脱水的酶法制备生物柴油工艺;刘德华,杜伟;授权号:200810117843.4;授权日期:2011.8.26。
35.       构建荚膜缺失的克雷伯氏菌的方法;刘德华,刘宏娟,郭妮妮,欧先金,方建军,罗吉安;授权号:200810117844.9;授权日期:2010.12.15。
36.       多步发酵法生产甘油的高产方法; 刘德华,孙 燕,张建安,刘宏娟;授权号:200810222028.4;授权日期:2010.12.15。
37.       一种回收非固定化脂肪酶催化油脂制备生物柴油工艺;杜伟,刘德华,吕丹;授权号:200810224315.9;授权日期:2011.11.30。
38.       膜回收脂肪酶催化可再生油脂制备生物柴油的方法;刘德华,杜伟;授权号:200810239182.2;授权日期:2008.12.11。
39.       一种木质纤维原料的生物炼制方法;刘德华,赵雪冰;授权号:200910084431.X;授权日期:2011.3.30。
40.       一种木质纤维原料的预处理方法;赵雪冰,刘德华;授权号:201010197815.5;授权日期:2012.11.14。
41.       一种生产发酵产品的方法;埃里克žFž图梭,戴维尔斯ž卡则梅可,刘德华,赵雪冰;授权号:201010258930.9;授权日期:2013.6.12。
42.       一种回收和/或富集水相非固定化脂肪酶的方法和装置;赵雪冰,杜伟,刘德华;授权号:201010530582.6;授权日期:2012.11.14。
43.      一种在线脱水的脂肪酶催化可再生油脂制备生物柴油工艺;刘德华,杜伟,赵雪冰,朱罗乐;授权号:201010536576.1;授权日期:2013.8.14;PCT申请号:PCT/CN2010/081784
44.       脂肪酶;欧先金,刘德华,杜伟;授权号:201010599106.X;授权日期:2012.10.10。
45.       一种以木质纤维素为原料联产乙醇和微生物油脂的方法;赵雪冰,刘德华,杜伟,徐静阳;授权号:201010609409.5;授权日期:2012.12.26。
46.      一种生物柴油的制备方法;杜 伟,刘德华,朱罗乐;授权号:201110062697.1;授权日期:2013.6.19;PCT申请号:PCT/CN2011/083130。
47.       构建基因工程菌以增强微生物发酵甘油产1,3-丙二醇的方法;刘德华,周胜,罗吉安;授权号:201110069870.0;授权日期:2013.3.20。
48.       酶法催化油脂制备生物柴油的过程中回收脂肪酶的方法;杜伟,朱罗乐,刘德华;授权号:201110409937.0;授权日期:2013.10.2。
49.       一种发酵生产1,3-丙二醇的方法;刘德华,周胜,罗吉安;授权号:201110199548.X;授权日期:2013.6.26。


1.         一种利用油脂制备生物柴油的方法;杜 伟,刘德华,杨威;申请号:201110062699.0;PCT申请号:PCT/CN2011/083135。
2.         酶法催化油脂制备生物柴油的过程中回收脂肪酶的方法;杜伟,朱罗乐,刘德华;申请号:201110409937.0。
3.         磷脂酶和脂肪酶组合使用催化油脂制备生物柴油的方法;杜伟,李扬,刘德华;申请号:201210026307.X。
4.         制备挥发性有机产品的方法;Erik F. Tusel,Hartmut Brüschke,刘德华,赵雪冰;申请号:201210322634.X。
5.         改进膜过滤过程的方法和装置;Erik F. Tusel,Hartmut Brüschke,刘德华,赵雪冰;申请号: 201210322664.0。
6.         一种提高产油微生物发酵生产微生物油脂的方法;徐静阳,杜伟,刘德华,赵雪冰;申请号:201210026602.5。
7.         一种提高酶促油脂制备生物柴油产率的方法;刘德华,杜伟,朱罗乐,杨建春;申请号:201210585171.6;PCT申请号:PCT/CN2014/000131。
8.         一株高产1,3-丙二醇的微生物;刘德华,欧先金,孙燕;申请号:201310688092.2


1.          Xuebing Zhao, Morikawa Yuichi, Qi Feng, Zeng Jing, Liu Dehua. A novel kinetic model for polysaccharide dissolution during atmospheric acetic acid pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY. 151: 128-136, JAN 2014
2.          Xuebing Zhao, Ming Fan, Jing Zeng, Wei Du, Canming Liu, Dehua Liu. Kinetics of lipase recovery from the aqueous phase of biodiesel production by macroporous resin adsorption and reuse of the adsorbed lipase for biodiesel preparation. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2013, 52(4-5): 226-233.
3.          Duan Zhangqun, Du Wei, Liu Dehua. Improved synthesis of 1,3-diolein by Novozym 435-mediated esterification of monoolein with oleic acid. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS B-ENZYMATIC. 89: 1-5, MAY 2013
4.          Li Yang, Du Wei, Liu Dehua. Effect of phospholipids on free lipase-mediated methanolysis for biodiesel production. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS B-ENZYMATIC. 91: 67-71, JUL 2013
5.          Lu He, Xuebing Zhao, Keke Cheng, Yan Sun, Dehua Liu**. Kinetic modeling of fermentative production of 1, 3-propanediol by Klebsiella pneumoniae HR526 with consideration of multiple product inhibitions. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2013, 169(1): 312-326.
6.          Xuebing Zhao, Dehua Liu. Kinetic modeling and mechanisms of acid-catalyzed delignification of sugarcane bagasse by aqueous acetic acid. BioEnergy Research DOI: 10.1007/s12155-012-9265-4
7.          Xuebing Zhao, Lei Dong, Liang Chen, Dehua Liu. Batch and multi-step fed-batch enzymatic saccharification of Formiline-pretreated sugarcane bagasse at high solid loadings for high sugar and ethanol titers. Bioresource Technology, 10.1016/j.biortech.2012.09.074
8.          Qiang Li, Xuebing Zhao, Keke Cheng, Wei Du, Dehua Liu. Simulation and experimentation on the gas holdup characteristics of a novel oscillate airlift loop reactor. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, DOI 10.1002/jctb.3888.
9.          Jingyang Xu, Wei Du, Xuebing Zhao, Guoling Zhang and Dehua Liu. Microbial oil production from various carbon sources and its use for biodiesel preparation.. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 2013, 7(1):65-77.
10.       Zheng Zong-Ming, Wang, Ti-Peng, Xu Yun-Zhen, Liu, De-Hua. Coenzyme B-12-Dependent Glycerol Dehydratase Deficiency in Klebsiella pneumonia. ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 25(13): 7323-7326, OCT 2013
11.       Zhao, Xuebing; Zhang, Lihua; Liu, Dehua. Biomass recalcitrance. Part II: Fundamentals of different pre-treatments to increase the enzymatic digestibility of lignocelluloses. BIOFUELS BIOPRODUCTS & BIOREFINING-BIOFPR, 6(5): 561-579, SEP-OCT 2012
12.       Cheng, Ke-Ke; Zhao, Xue-Bing; Zeng, Jing; Wu, Ru-Chun; Xu, Yun-Zhen; Liu, De-Hua; Zhang, Jian-An. Downstream processing of biotechnological produced succinic acid. APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 95(4): 841-850, AUG 2012
13.       Zhao, Xuebing; Liu, Dehua. Fractionating pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse by aqueous formic acid with direct recycle of spent liquor to increase cellulose digestibility-the Formiline process, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 117: 25-32, AUG 2012
14.       Zhao, Xuebing; Peng, Feng; Du, Wei; Liu, Canming; Liu, Dehua. Effects of some inhibitors on the growth and lipid accumulation of oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides and preparation of biodiesel by enzymatic transesterification of the lipid, BIOPROCESS AND BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING, 35 (6): 993-1004, AUG 2012
15.       Zhao, Xuebing; Zhang, Lihua; Liu, Dehua. Biomass recalcitrance. Part I: the chemical compositions and physical structures affecting the enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocelluloses, BIOFUELS BIOPRODUCTS & BIOREFINING-BIOFPR, 6(4): 465-482, JUL-AUG 2012
16.       Xu, Jingyang; Zhao, Xuebing; Wang, Wencong; Du, Wei; Liu, Dehua. Microbial conversion of biodiesel byproduct glycerol to triacylglycerols by oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides and the individual effect of some impurities on lipid production, BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 65: 30-36, 2012
17.       Duan, Zhang-Qun; Du, Wei; Liu, De-Hua. Rational synthesis of 1,3-diolein by enzymatic esterification. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, 159(1-2): 44-49, MAY 31 2012
18.       Li Yang; Du Wei; Liu Dehua. Effect of Phospholipids on the Catalytic Performance of Lipase, CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, 33(3): 389-39, MAR 2012
19.       Zhao, Xuebing; Zhou, Yujie; Liu, Dehua. Kinetic model for glycan hydrolysis and formation of monosaccharides during dilute acid hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 105: 160-168, FEB 2012
20.       Ren Hongjie, Du Wei, Liangliang Lv, Liu, Dehua. Study on Free Lipase-Catalyzed Ethanolysis for Biodiesel Preparation in an Oil/Water Biphasic System, JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, p 1-5, 2011
21.       Chen Zhen, Hongjuan Liu, Dehua Liu. Metabolic pathway analysis of 1,3-propanediol production with a genetically modified Klebsiella pneumoniae by overexpressing an endogenous NADPH-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase, Biochemical Engineering Journal, v 54, n 3, p 151-157, 15 May 2011
22.       Xu Yun-Zhen, Wu Ru-Chun; Zheng Zong-Ming; Liu De-Hua. Influence of dhaT mutation of K. pneumoniae on 1,3-propanediol fermentation, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, v 27, n 6, p 1491-1497, June 2011
23.       Sun Ting; Du Wei; Liu Dehua. Comparative study on stability of whole cells during biodiesel production in solvent-free system. Process Biochemistry, v 46, n 3, p 661-664, March 2011
24.       Zhao Xuebing; Van Der Heide Evert; Zhang Ting; Liu Dehua. Single-stage pulping of sugarcane bagasse with peracetic acid, Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, v 31, n 1, p 1-25, January 2011
25.       Zhao, XB; Wu, RC; Liu, DH. Production of pulp, ethanol and lignin from sugarcane bagasse by alkali-peracetic acid delignification; BIOMASS & BIOENERGY; 35(7): 2874-2882, 2011
26.       Zhao, XB; Wu, RC; Liu, DH. Production of pulp, ethanol and lignin from sugarcane bagasse by alkali-peracetic acid delignification; BIOMASS & BIOENERGY; 35(7): 2874-2882, 2011
27.       Zhao, XB; Song, YQ; Liu, DH. Enzymatic hydrolysis and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of alkali/peracetic acid-pretreated sugarcane bagasse for ethanol and 2,3-butanediol production; ENZYME AND MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY, 49 (4): 413-419, 2011
28.       Sun, XY ; Zhao, XB; Du, W; Liu, DH. Kinetics of Formic Acid-autocatalyzed Preparation of Performic Acid in Aqueous Phase; CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 19 (6): 964-971, 2011
29.       Zhao, XB; van der Heide, E; Zhang, T; Liu, DH. Delignification of Sugarcane Bagasse With Alkali and Peracetic Acid and Characterization of The Pulp; BIORESOURCES, 5(3): 1565-1580, 2010
30.       Chen, Z; Liu, HJ; Zhang, JA; Liu, DH. Elementary Mode Analysis for the Rational Design of Efficient Succinate Conversion from Glycerol by Escherichia coli; JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICINE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY; 2010
31.       Duan, ZQ; Du, W; Liu, DH. The pronounced effect of water activity on the positional selectivity of Novozym 435 during 1,3-diolein synthesis by esterification; CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS; 11(5): 356-358, 2010
32.       Zheng, ZM; Xu, YZ; Wang, TP; Dong, CQ; Yang, YP; Liu, DH. Ammonium and phosphate limitation in 1,3-propanediol production by Klebsiella pneumonia; BIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS; 32(2): 289-294, 2010
33.       Zhao, XB; Zhou, YJ; Zheng, GJ; Liu, DH. Microwave Pretreatment of Substrates for Cellulase Production by Solid-State Fermentation; APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY; 160(5): 1557-1571, 2010
34.       Guo, NN; Zheng, ZM; Mai, YL; Liu, HJ; Liu, DH. Consequences of cps mutation of Klebsiella pneumoniae on 1,3-propanediol fermentation; APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY; 86(2): 701-707, 2010
35.       Duan, ZQ.; Du, W.; Liu, DH. The solvent influence on the positional selectivity of Novozym 435 during 1,3-diolein synthesis by esterification; BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY; 101(7): 2568-2571, 2010
36.       Sun, T; Du, W; Zeng, J; Dai, LM; Liu, DH. Exploring the effects of oil inducer on whole cell-mediated methanolysis for biodiesel production; PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY; 45(4): 514-518; 2010
37.       Lv, D; Du, W; Zhang, GL; Liu, DH. Mechanism study on NS81006-mediated methanolysis of triglyceride in oil/water biphasic system for biodiesel production; PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY; 45(4): 446-450, 2010
38.       Li, W; Du, W; Li, Q; Sun, T; Liu, DH. Study on acyl migration kinetics of partial glycerides: Dependence on temperature and water activity; JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS B-ENZYMATI; 63 (1-2): 17-22, 2010
39.       Zhao, XB; Zhang, LH; Liu, DH. Pretreatment of Siam weed stem by several chemical methods for increasing the enzymatic digestibility; BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL; 5(5): 493-504, 2010
40.       Wu, RC; Ren, HJ; Xu, YZ; Liu, DH. The final recover of salt from 1,3-propanadiol fermentation broth; SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY; 73(2): 122-125, 2010
41.       Sun, T (Sun, Ting)1; Du, W; Liu, DH; Dai, LM. Improved catalytic performance of GA cross-linking treated Rhizopus oryzae IFO 4697 whole cell for biodiesel production; PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY; 45 (7): 1192-1195, 2010
42.       Zheng, ZM; Xu, YZ; Wang, TP; Dong, CQ; Yang, YP; Liu, DH. Ammonium and phosphate limitation in 1,3-propanediol production by Klebsiella pneumonia; 32(9): 1349-1349, 2010
43.       Li, W; Du, W; Li, Q; Li, RW; Liu, DH. Dependence on the properties of organic solvent: Study on acyl migration kinetics of partial glycerides; BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY; 10 (15): 5737-5742, 2010
44.       Chavez, E; Liu, DH; Zhao, XB. JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY; 4(3): 221-242, 2010
45.       Zhao, XB; Liu, DH. Chemical and thermal characteristics of lignins isolated from Siam weed stem by acetic acid and formic acid delignification; INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS; 32(3): 284-291, 2010
46.       Liu, HJ; Xu, YZ; Zheng, ZM; Liu, DH. 1,3-Propanediol and its copolymers: Research, development and industrialization; BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL; 5(11): 1137-1148; 2010
47.       Li, W; Li, RW; Li, Q; Du, W; Liu, DH. Acyl migration and kinetics study of 1(3)-positional specific lipase of Rhizopus oryzae-catalyzed methanolysis of triglyceride for biodiesel production; PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY, 45 (12): 1888-1893, 2010
48.       Duan, ZQ; Du, W; Liu, DH. Novozym 435-catalyzed 1,3-diacylglycerol preparation via esterification in t-butanol system, PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY, 45 (12): 1923-1927, 2010
49.       Sun, T; Du, W; Liu, DeHua. Prospective and impacts of whole cell mediated alcoholysis of renewable oils for biodiesel production, BIOFUELS BIOPRODUCTS & BIOREFINING-BIOFPR. 3 (6):633-639 2009 (DOI 10.1002/bbb.180)
50.       Xu, YZ; Guo, NN; Zheng, ZM; Ou, XJ; Liu, HJ; Liu, Dehua. Title Metabolism in 1,3-Propanediol Fed-Batch Fermentation by a D-Lactate Deficient Mutant of Klebsiella pneumonia, BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING 104 (5):965-972 2009, (DOI 10.1002/bit.22455)
51.       Zhangqun Duan, Wei Du, Dehua Liu. The solvent influence on the positional selectivity of Novozym 435 during 1,3-diolein synthesis by esterification. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, DOI:10.1016/j.biortech.2009.11.087
52.       Zhangqun Duan, Wei Du, Dehua Liu. The pronounced effect of water activity on the positional selectivity of Novozym 435 during 1,3-diolein synthesis by esterification. CATALYSIS COMMUNICATION, DOI 10.1016/j.catcom.2009.10.030
53.       Wei Li, Wei Du, Qiang Li, Ting Sun, Dehua Liu. Study on acyl migration kinetics of partial glycerides: Dependence on temperature and water activity,JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS B-ENZYMATIC, DOI 10.1016/j.molcatb.2009.11.012
54.       Chen, Z; Liu, HJ; Zhang, JA; Liu, DeHua. Cell physiology and metabolic flux response of Klebsiella pneumoniae to aerobic conditions. PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY. 44 (8):862-868 2009.( DOI 10.1016/j.procbio.2009.04.004)
55.       Zheng, ZM; Guo, NN; Hao, J; Cheng, KK; Sun, Y; Liu, Dehua. Scale-up of micro-aerobic 1,3-propanediol production with Klebsiella pneumonia CGMCC 1.6366. PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY 44 (8):944-948 2009. (DOI 10.1016/j.procbio.2009.04.017)
56.       Chen, Z; Liu, HJ; Liu, Dehua. Regulation of 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde accumulation in Klebsiella pneumoniae by overexpression of dhaT and dhaD genes. ENZYME AND MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY 45 (4):305-309 2009. (DOI 10.1016/j.enzmictec.2009.04.005)
57.       Hong, AA; Cheng, KK; Peng, F; Zhou, S; Sun, Y; Liu, CM; Liu, Dehua. Strain isolation and optimization of process parameters for bioconversion of glycerol to lactic acid. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 84 (10):1576-1581 2009. (DOI 10.1002/jctb.2209)
58.       Duan, ZQ; Du, W; Liu, Dehua. Enzymatic Approach for 1,3-Diacylglycerol Preparation. PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY 21 (9):1939-1944 2009.( ISSN 1005-281X)